Monday, March 17, 2008

The Kids

Guess who got a haircut! It was about time, although it is so different that he almost looks bald. Elijah is still enjoying school and I am repeatedly told by his teachers that he is such a good kid!

Jackie has earned a scholarship to the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet for a beginning dance class. This is a serious ballet company compared with the New York Ballet. She is really enjoying it. She goes Tuesday and Wednesday from 4:30 to 5:30. She is also starting softball next month, which I had already signed her up for before she received the scholarship. We'll see how it all works out. Busy, Busy.


Cara Jo said...

The kids look great. Nice hair cut, but he was cute the other way too. He just can't help it, he's cute no matter what! :)

Anonymous said...

Great haircut!